Saturday, December 13, 2008

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I have to admit, I'm an old-film junkie. Especially the black-n-white comedies. I love Hal Roach's The Little Rascals, Abbot and Costello routines still make me laugh, and the slapstick of Laurel and Hardy will never grow old.

Except when it's aimed at kids. In that context, for some reason, people in the early part of the 20th century thought it would be entertaining to show children things that could make Satan himself a little bit uncomfortable.

I would give an example, but it would be too horrifying. Suffice it to say that I recently watched Laurel and Hardy's Babes in Toyland, and now I will probably not sleep for four more days. I can't. The terrifying images are burned into my (now) gun-shy memory, which, like an abused child, now flinches whenever someone reaches out to give it a hug.

What's that you say? You absolutely must have an example? Very well, but don't come shivering back here for emotional comfort when your inner child whizzes your sense of security and wholeness down his pant-leg after viewing this clip.

Watch below, if you must. The things that start happening at about 5:50 into the film clip are enough to sustain several weeks of soak-your-bed-with-sweat nightmares.

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