Wednesday, June 24, 2009

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Just finished watching Voodoo Man from RiffTrax, the 1944 ... uh ... classic? What, exactly, makes a movie a "classic", anyway? Aren't all films from 1955 and earlier automatically categorized as "classic"? Anyway, I digress. The film is available from RiffTrax for $9.99 as a video-on-demand download (no need to bother with synchronizing an mp3 to your DVD), and definitely deserves a healthy seven out of ten stars. Lots of good Bela Lugosi mugging, and plenty of old-school "camp" to keep things funny. Click on the image above to order.

Because I think it's fun to over-geek something already geeked, I've included a few footnotes to some of the riffs more obscure references. I know, I know, a joke isn't usually funny if it has to be explained, but that's not the point here. The point is to broaden your cultural horizons, using the time-tested method of ... y'know ... watching bad movies and listening to some guys make fun of it. You know exactly what I mean.

So here goes.

Movie: Credit for "Sam Katzman" appears
Kevin: (singing) Sam is the Katzman, yeah he's the Katzmaaaan

That would be The Beatles song "Taxman" that Kevin is parodying, from their Revolver album.

Movie: Credit for "William Beaudine" appears
Bill: William Beaudine - Jethro's stage name

For the youngsters (like me), Bill is talking about Jethro Bodine, Jed Clampett's nephew in Beverly Hillbilies.

Movie: You're a stranger in this part of the country, aren't you?
Bill: In a Camus-ey way

Extra points to Bill for injecting an artsy-fartsy tip-of-the hat to French author Albert Camus, and his 1940s novel, The Stranger.

Movie: Nicholas picks up old-looking phone
Kevin: Wow, he can contact anyone in Mayberry on that

Another one for the kids. Mayberry is that wonderful, folksy little town that was home to Andy, Barney, Opie, Aunt Bee, and the rest of the cast of The Andy Griffith Show.

Movie: Toby approaches the car
Kevin: Hey, it's the ghost of Tom Joad's buddy

As Kevin remarks later, this joke is "complicated". Tom Joad is the character played by Henry Fonda in The Grapes of Wrath, and there is a slight resemblance here.

Movie: Sign reads "Banner Motion Picture Company"
Bill: The Hulk started his own movie company

Any true comic book fan knows that The Hulk, when he's not being all green and emotional, goes by the name of Bruce Banner.

Movie: (movie producer) Skip it, I'll get one of the other boys to tackle it
Mike: Give it to that Bruckheimer kid

Yeah, Mike, why not give the new movie to Jerry Bruckheimer, the producer responsible for National Treasure, Pirates of the Caribbean, Armageddon, Top Gun, and about a bazillion other films?

Movie: Close-up shot of Bela Lugosi's face

Most MST3K fans will get this one. The "Sleeeeep!" riff was a running gag on the show for a long time, and the film in which it appears - Bela Lugosi's Bride of the Monster - was given the MST3K treatment in Season 4. I would bet money you can find clips on YouTube.

Movie: Stella! Stella!
Mike: That's how he orders his favorite, watered down hipster beer

I don't drink that beer. It always comes served in a fruity-looking glass. I am, of course, talking about Stella Artois.

Movie: We're gonna have another pretty ceremony
Mike: That's an odd way to describe a Bris

Ouch. A Bris is a Jewish circumcision ceremony.

Movie: It's a pain in the neck!
Kevin: Not to mention that I look like Charlie Bucket's Grandpa Joe

You remember Grandpa Joe from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, don't you? DON'T YOU?! You can get that film's RiffTrax commentary, too.

Movie: Dr. Marlowe picks up telephone, dials operator
Mike: Sara, get me Thelma Lou

Love the Andy Griffith Show references! That would be Barney Fife's voice that Mike is imitating, talking to Mayberry operator "Sara", trying to get in touch with his girlfriend "Thelma Lou".

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