Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Another time-wasting Twitter game for your Wednesday night. The topic: 3 Breakup Words. Presumably this meant three-word phrases that would either a) LEAD to a breakup, or b) DECLARE a breakup.

My contributions:

* You COULD diet ...

* Janet, meet Sylvia

* I went straight.

* Beer me. Now.

* I was KIDDING.

* I call do-over.


* U haz "ex".

* The name's "Keanu".

* I'm studying Scientology

* Jihad! Jihad! Jihad!

* And last, but not least, an interactive tweet:

Favorite contributions from others:

* Look! Vampires! *runs* @Under_life

* That's a wrap @ChampParker

* Be Right Back @freestylesteve

* Our anniversary's today? @Tengrain

* You're Shia LaBeouf @JoshWay

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